Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate suppliers
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The use of Benzoic Acid

BENZOIC ACID and its salt, SODIUM BENZOATE , are commonly used in food preservation. Benzoic acid preserves food by killing bacteria. According to, the maximum amount of benzoic acid that processed foods may contain in the United States is a mere 0.1 percent. Examples of foods with benzoic acid, often labeled as benzoate, include juices, pickles, salad dressings and soda.In the United States, foods may contain a maximum of 0.1% benzoic acid or sodium benzoate, although the limit in other nations may be as high as 1.25% in some types of prepared foods. Benzoic acid is also used in the manufacture of artificial flavors and perfumes and for the flavoring of tobacco.
BENZOIC ACID is also combined with chloride and phosphorus to make chemicals, most of which are poisonous. These primarily include insect repellants. Benzoic acid also goes into artificial flavors as well as perfume. Tobacco is sometimes even flavored with benzoic acid.
Our BENZOIC AICD can be used in other industries, such as dye intermediate, paint synthesis and plasticizer etc
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