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The role of sodium cinnamate

Sodium cinnamate is an intermediate product in the production process of cinnamic acid and can be widely used in food antisepsis, medicine and photographic materials. It is not only suitable for improving the cooling system and automobile mat of various engine equipment, but also beneficial to long-distance use of the automobile.

It can also produce intermediates such as benzyl chloride, cinnamyl chloride and cinnamamide, as well as pharmaceutical intermediates and cosmetics. Since sodium cinnamate is soluble in water, it can be used as a food preservative. Sodium cinnamate is also a pharmaceutical intermediate for the anticoagulant Ozagrel. Sodium cinnamate is an intermediate product in the production process of cinnamic acid. Cinnamic acid is mainly used for electroplating, and this product can also be used as a photosensitive material.

Our company- Jiyou Industries Co.Ltd. are committed to the field of food and ingredients. Our products include ten kinds of benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and benzyl benzoate. If you need to purchase, we are willing to supply you.

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